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Sport Climbing: Three Sources + Cheat Sheet

What kind of sport climbing are you interested in? Speed climbing? Lead climbing? Or bouldering? There are some great sources on this hot topic–I chose a video and two articles that compliment each other (i.e., they have similar main ideas but each contributes interesting supporting details). And of course, there’s a cheat sheet, too. You can find all three sources + cheat sheet in the last column of a padlet I created with sets of sources on fascinating topics. There are five other text sets on hot topics included!

If you need some ideas for how to support your students as they make sense of multiple sources on a topic, look for a “few suggestions for teaching” I included in a previous blog entry.

Hope this helps. AND what else do you need from me??? I’m thinking about going back to the “how to respond to responses that are a hot mess” topic.


Thank you to Roya Ann Miller for the great photo of the climber!

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